RETROGRADE {Rx} — an Essay
By Mike Zizis December 21, 2021
{Rx =retrograde / Dr = direct}
VENUS retrograde dates:
Rx: December 19–26 degrees Capricorn
Dr: January 29–11 degrees Capricorn
MERCURY retrograde dates:
Rx: January 14–10 degrees Aquarius
Dr: February 4–24 degrees Capricorn
VENUS MERCURY RX overlap dates:
January 14 to February 3
All eight planets in modern astronomy orbit the sun.
All ten planets in classical astrology except the moon orbit the sun. When the earth passes every other planet in its orbit around the sun, these are called apparent retro- grade motion, or as we say in astrology — retrograde.
As you can see these are naturally occurring planetary cycles. It’s all nature. What is unnatural is our human drive to move forward at any cost all the time. This is perhaps an unnatural consequence of the human journey.
The planets provide a path for slowing down our perception of time and being. Retrograde motions of the inner planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars symbolize a growing frustration and difficulty for ever forward robotic yearnings. So what does this mean? It’s possible of course that there is no meaning in things broken, stopped, failing and waiting. Or we might listen and care for each other, and cultivate the flowering of patience. The Neandertals, our gifted cousins may not have been a social species. We are.
It is uncreative and lazy to keep repeating the word work four times every time we ask another person how are you? Yep, you heard me correctly I said lazy. Really also a bit rude, if you don’t mind me sayin –
“I’m in a hurry, my life is boring, get outta my way, I don’t know how I am …”
Then the skies reveal that we are not forward marching automatons. They do this thru the lights in the nocturnal darkness -planets- appearing to go backwards or retreat. We must retreat occasionally. Retreat is not defeat. We act as if the amphetamine of doing will crush the ‘evils’ of rest, diversion, and reflection. Science has recently revealed that when we are in drift mode, the brain is highly active, more so than in concentration.
The words starting with the prefix “re” are very important during this natural time, this natural cycle; as in review, renew, restart, remake, repair, rethink, reflex, react, rescue, refer, recur.. you get the idea.
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Speaking of the prefix re — I just realized there is a re-in relationships, which are a Venus ruled subject — please do your best not to take it personally when relationships of all kinds, especially the romantic ones, seem flat, out of sync, distant, irritating, or annoying. Or if they change in unexpected and generally disappointing ways– temporarily.
As of this writing Venus is currently retrograding until January 29, 2022. Here is a suggestion list or what you might avoid or do or encounter during Venus backing up;
Venus rules beauty, ideals, love, relationships, luxury, and hygiene. During Venus Retrograde:
Cultivate your own company
Repair and mend anything
Listen MORE than talk
Go on silent retreats
Be fine about thoughtful apologies
Read a book
Quit an addiction
Notice the colour of a close relative’s eyes instead of obsessing on their toxic presence
Write inclusively
Speak calmly and slowly
Add a word a day to your vocabulary
Choose foods that enhance health
Allow friendships, etc. to end without misery,
Take old clothes to charities.
Get a tattoo
Have cosmetic surgery
Buy pretty and expensive things
Blame a partner for your own shortcomings
Experiment with non-traditional or polyamorous sex and sexual partners
Join the why-not club of self-sabotage
Join a cult
Use the word, ‘But’
Start a negative addiction.
Mercury –
Mercury rules communication, travel, signing documents, buying, and selling big-ticket items, delays, meetings, and boundaries. During Mercury retrograde:
Repair computers, phones, electrical equipment, Reschedule meetings,
Expect delays,
Do-overs in arrangements with others,
Find what you weren’t looking for,
Allow lost objects and friendships to resurface,
Check that list three times,
Expect to be stuck when traveling,
Stay calm, be brave and wait for the signs.
Be brittle or overbearing when inevitable delays happen,
Overlook empty gas tanks,
Sign documents,
Launch new everything,
Expect perfection,
Be careless with communication,
Buy or sell homes and vehicles.
- Don’t get married or make wedding plans. Venus rules love and relationships, and no marriage is off to the right start when Venus is travelling backwards, stuck in the past. (I’m talking to you Jennifer Aniston when you married Justin Theroux… I was like — NOOOO! Don’t do it. Change the date! If ONLY you had an astrology buddy. I’m available… just sayin!)
- Don’t start a new relationship. Starting a new relationship during a Venus retrograde usually also goes nowhere, so if you’re thinking of joining eHarmony, save your money until Venus is moving properly. Be wary of any beau/belle who arrives during this time because he/she will not likely be as originally presented.
- Don’t beautify outside of your normal routine. Always wanted to dye your hair red? Get a tattoo? Have cosmetic surgery? Don’t do it now. Stick to your routine──regular hairstyles and current wardrobe. Any big shopping trips or makeovers will result in disappointment. If you do get adventurous during Venus retrograde, when the planet goes direct again, you’ll wake up, wipe your eyes, and find your hair is maroon (not red); you now have a Chinese tattoo that says goat milk instead of world peace on your neck; and your “killer” new wardrobe consists of grey and beige clothes that are two sizes too big. You know the commercial about drunk driving where the bottles keep piling up on top of the car making the street ahead increasingly blurry? That’s the effect of a Venus retrograde. Its direct motion is sobering. And just because you’re aware of this now does not make you immune to Venus retrogrades wiles. I have the maroon hair photo and baggy beige-clothes fest to prove it. The same goes for your house. Do not, I repeat, do not attempt to redecorate at this time!
- Don’t initiate new investments. Venus also rules your financial activities. When retrograde, your perceptions are off, and they can cause you to make very poor financial decisions from an emotional place. Investments are usually over-valued or inflate during this time and lose their value when Venus goes direct. A Venus retrograde period is also famous for producing global economic uncertainty which can make matters worse. (Isn’t it interesting that cannabis became legal in Canada during a Venus retrograde? And what happened to its market value almost immediately?)
- Avoid buying things especially big purchases such as a car, boat, art, furniture, house, or business. You will overspend and your purchase will backfire on you. It will become a money pit, a giant headache or you will severely regret your purchase. Your ability to judge the value or price of something diminishes significantly.
- Avoid cosmetic surgery. This is self-explanatory. Venus is also beauty and vanity.
The DO’s
- Review your relationships. How are things going? How could they improve? Poor relationships can suffer even more under the influence of Venus retrograde, and solid ones can get a bit cranky. Try not to make any hasty decisions until Venus goes direct.
- Review your investments, assets, and financials. Re-think plans for the future, but do not act. I repeat, do not act.
- Have a garage sale! Unload the items you’ve never used (probably because you bought them during a Venus retrograde) and be amazed when someone gobbles them up.
- Want a change in your appearance or that of your home? Do the research. Peruse new hairstyle options. Create a “dream board” of decorating ideas. But wait until the Venus retrograde passes before revisiting acting on ideas. See what actually sticks after Venus goes direct; it will be a good exercise to see how much/if your values have changed.