Michael Zizis
3 min readSep 16, 2021



Mercury retrograde 2021 begins on September 27 at 25° Libra and ends on October 18 at 10° Libra.

This is the last Mercury retrograde of 2021.

Many of you are aware of the issues concerning the usual Mercury retrograde prescriptions; don’t begin new major enterprises, launch a business, sign documents, and refrain from buying mechanical things with electrical components of elaborate nature, for instance refrigerators, cars, SUVs, nuclear fusion plants, hydro-electric dams, the North American electrical grid, the worldwide electrical grid, electric can-openers, anti-missile systems, SR71’s, Aircraft carriers, TVs, computers, cameras — blah blah woof-woof — you get the picture.

If you can’t avoid surgical procedures during this cycle it’s best to have them the 10 days following the new Moon. If you have options to avoid surgical procedures that’s probably a great idea. Be prepared during Mercury Rx: to do over documents, keep copies of copies, and the risk of doing everything twice.

Travel indicates delays here. If you’re planning to go to one of your favorite Greek Islands etc during a retrograde Mercury it’s probably assured that you will return sometime in the future, and that ain’t bad.

I am gently reminding you and myself that these retrograde periods are a time to relax your frenetic fever driven iron grip on yourself and the world. Please investigate the ancient and droll practice of relaxing dreaming and drifting. Your body and your imagination and your spirit will thank you for this now largely defunct practice. Or, as my cat says when I’m get getting him his morning breakfast, “hurry up faster”. No one informed him of the Rx delays.

It’s my quaint belief that I’m entitled to take my time getting to the grave. There are those, of course, who disagree with me, and that’s fine we can discuss it in the bardo. Or not.

Panic, anxiety, hysteria, and blame are quite in vogue these days.

In the past week I have panicked about losing my wallet even though I didn’t lose my wallet–but–it could’ve happened! My spouse misplaced her wallet in the last 24 hours. The kindness of strangers prevailed, and she was able to have it returned at the grocery. Some of us are feeling the retrograde Mercury well in advance. If I might offer a small suggestion; being careful ain’t that much fun and some of us have better things to do than waste this very limited time on our planet being forgetful and re-retracing our steps. Yet I know I will do just that in the future. My view is that we, in the west, are witnessing the decline of adulthood, but that’s a story for another time.

Stay calm be brave and wait for the signs.


Mike Zizis

September 13, 2021




Michael Zizis

40 years as a student of astrology. Born in Pittsburgh