Saturn Enters Pisces
An essay by Mike Zizis
February 7, 2023
On March 7, 2023, Saturn, the great planet of form, enters Pisces, the dissolving ocean, from 2023 until February 2026.
Keywords for Saturn:
Crystallization, rigidity, breakage, failure, disappointment, exclusion, status quo, organization, delineation, boundaries.
Keywords for Pisces:
Adaptable, Deception, Dreamer, Changeable Compassionate, Confused, Creative, Elusive, Emotional, Empathic, Escapist, Evasive, Expansive, Fluidity, Gentle, Healing,Idealistic, Illusion, Imaginative, Immoral, Impressionable, Inspiration, Instinctive, Intuitive, Kind, Malleable, Mediumship, Merging, Moody,Multiplicity, Mysticism, Nebulous, Oneness, Osmosis, Over-sensitive, Receptive, Reflective, Psychic, Self-effacing, Sensitive, Sentimentality, Shy, Slippery, Soulful, Sympathetic, Tender, Transcendent, Vacillation, Vague, Vulnerability.
For the past five years Saturn has been going through both its own sign of Capricorn, and anciently ruled, Aquarius. These have been tough times for many individuals as well as our world in general.
Saturn has been in Aquarius since 2020. Saturn first entered Aquarius March 21, 2020, retrograded back into Capricorn July 1, 2020, and then re-entered Aquarius Dec 17, 2020. Over the course of this time, we experienced the Covid-19 Pandemic.
During Saturn’s journey through Aquarius for the past 2 ½ years we have seen the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as the victims of Harvey Weinstein {a Piscean} creating the Me Too awakening.
During this period, we have seen the rise of daddy-baby politics through people like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, as well as far ultra-right Populist leaders of Hungary and Brazil. Also, at this time of Saturn’s domain transit thru Aquarius and Capricorn - the United Kingdom sank ever downward thru Brexit, {Fri, Jan 31, 2020 6:00 PM} termed a resounding failure by the natives of the region and economists.
Saturn symbolizes rigidity, the old order, oligarchs, patriarchs, those who rule by fear, and adherence to the status quo. The sign of Pisces both Jupiter and Neptune’s realm signifies the dissolving Ocean, the dreamtime, dissolution of the ego, the enigmatic mysterious, hidden dimensions, higher realms, and on the mundane level addiction, viruses, cancers, [and other hard-to-diagnose health problems] escapism, as well as dreams and revelations; recovering addicts call this last entry a ‘moment of clarity’. I’m including various forms of psychedelic therapy, as Saturn settles down in Pisces.
More governments will turn to the legalization of many more drugs that have been destroying lives and economies, as is happening currently in British Columbia, and elsewhere like Portugal. Hence, the taboo of all illicit drugs, will lose their allure, gradually and persistently.
As Saturn is getting ready to leave Aquarius for Pisces in about 30 days, the world is experiencing a major 7.8 Richter scale earthquake in Turkey and Syria, with 7.5 aftershocks killing over 50,000 people as the death toll rises.
Saturn is the Lord of Karma. The Greeks called the 12th house, with its secret sorrows, the joy of Saturn. The 12th house is associated with the sign of Pisces. Coastal erosions must be expected during this cycle. Greek Poseidon, known to the Romans as Neptune, was the most temperamental of the three brother Gods, the other two being Pluto and Zeus.
Poseidon, as it were, got the short straw.
The Greeks knew his other name as Earth-Shaker. The moody god of the oceans threw tantrums. We know these as marine earthquakes, and the subsequent tsunamis.
Because Pisces is also about erosion we should expect inundation of coastal cities. Here is a current UN report:
Presently about 40% of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometers of the coast. As population density and economic activity in the coastal zone increases, pressures on coastal ecosystems increase. Among the most important pressures are habitat conversion, land cover change, pollutant loads, and introduction of invasive species. These pressures can lead to loss of biodiversity, coral reef bleaching, new diseases among organisms, hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, siltation, reduced water quality, and a threat to human health through toxins in fish and shellfish and pathogens such as cholera and hepatitis A residing in polluted water.
There are quite of few astrologers who would argue that the Jews are represented by Saturn in Pisces. As a side note the Jewish historian Josephus, the only known historian of that era and area, claimed that a Jewish Savior was born in March between 6 BC and 4 BC, during a major conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in Pisces. This brilliant conjunction occurring at that time may have been also known as the star of Bethlehem.
Regarding Saturn in Pisces and history of the Jews, it has been noted by many scholars and comedians that tragedy evolves into comedy.
During this period of Saturn in Pisces, don’t expect the Palestinians to go quietly into that good night, or you know — just disappear. Generally speaking, governments know how to deal with violence, or turn outrage into violence, better than they know how to deal with unhappy people who are organizing.
So, expect this to be yet another truly tumultuous time for the state of Israel and the Palestinians.
Saturn represents structure and a group excluding the individual. Sorry, you will not be able to join this club — we have posted armed guards and big dogs at the entrance.
During Saturn’s sojourn through Pisces many fringe religious groups will be hunted and hounded, as well as groups of freedom-loving people — trying to overthrow malicious and destructive religious authority. The former case involves China and the latter, Iran.
Saturn transiting the 12 houses:
{refer to your rising or sun-sign}
Aries — Saturn will transit your 12th house. This along with the fourth and eighth houses is called a mystery House; complex and not easily understood. Initially you may find a downturn in feelings of hope and inspiration; a place for the subconscious — for dreams and aspirations. Saturn, as always, will reveal the work to be done. In this case listen to your fears from the depths.
Taurus — the 11th House is a place of friends, groups and aspirations. Pisces erodes and Saturn diminishes. You may experience some diminishment of those 10,000 close friends on Facebook, etc. You may choose to turn down the flame of being everyone’s everything. It’s been said that we are fortunate to have 4 close friends in the journey of life. While you can’t cure this, you can endure it, and if you’re mature, endure it happily.
Gemini — Saturn in Pisces is transiting your 10th house of career and public standing, and your contributions in career. If someone else gets what you know you deserve for now, it is temporary. As Saturn settles down here you can create new opportunities with this employer or by moving on. If you’re self-employed be nice to your boss. Rash decisions in furthering your career aims will be just another form of self-sabotage; so, investigate and organize a worldly expedition toward your place in the sun.
Cancer — this transit goes through your ninth house of the higher mind, including philosophy and travel. You may travel in the next 2 ½ years for serious purposes, such as education. Learning and/or teaching can open up for you. This will tend to be sober and serious. If you are failing in your studies, you’re being reminded that you have other options.
Leo — Saturn in Pisces will be transiting your 8th house. Be judicious about contracts, settlements, legacies and wills. The devil here may be in the details. Frequently this transit signifies focusing on what’s important in your life energies. If you feel a drop in your own eros, be patient and know that you have sufficient energy for good survival.
Virgo — more responsibilities for others or one other person show up during this 2 ½ year period. This can center on your own or someone else’s addictions, and points to more caregiving or caretaking or both. Set goals to organize a portion of reality, with maturity. Try to strike a balance between martyrdom and despair. Self-care first and then you can better help others.
Libra — if you have been avoiding self-care this placement Saturn in Pisces transiting your sixth house, can feel as if you are forced to deal with changing health concerns. Any considered change of diet, addressing poor blood circulation, or a new exercise routine can greatly assist you in wellness. Pisces in this case refers to the feet and nerve endings therein. Saturn can point to a gradual return of wellness once we organize what is being brought to our attention.
Scorpio — here Saturn and Pisces highlight your fifth house of physical forms of recreation, gambling, risking, children, and creativity. Restrictions may occur in these areas. For some of you this may become a time of adopting a child or a pet. If you’re like a reed in the wind you will bend. If you’re stiff as an old tree, you may feel as if you reach some kind of breaking point. Setbacks and healing in the lower part of the body can occur.
Sagittarius — this transit for the next 2 ½ years happens in your fourth house of home, the psychological basis for being, and the place of the ancestors. Balance must be struck between fixing problems before they occur and tending to what’s broken or about to be broken in your domestic sphere. If you’re buying or selling property or moving, the devil will be in the details. If you feel a sense of gloom or even despair, run or walk towards your dread, and don’t avoid yourself.
Capricorn — this transit goes through your third house of close kin, your everyday detail mind, and mundane travels like shopping, etc. When walking or driving, imagine everyone else on the road is a drunken maniac without insurance. Impulse buying right now is to be discouraged. More detailed attention maybe needed over children and relatives and projects of imagination. Objective detective work is rewarding in addressing all matters of home and trust.
Aquarius — this transit outlines responsibility in second House matters; your unique contribution to life, money matters, and what objects you value in life. Buying a large expensive object, whether car or house or washing machine, can cost you more than you’d like, if you buy or sell because the other person was nice to you. Impulse purchases are to be avoided. Gauge any sacrifice you feel you’re making in terms of regretting such a decision. Water damage of some kind can happen. Putting off immediate gratification for your efforts is a matter of faith in the future; it will come.
Pisces — you’re being introduced willingly or not to increased responsibilities in the world with Saturn and Pisces transiting your first house. This is an emergent time for you in the world. Others may make demands on you in multiple time-consuming and energy-draining ways. Saying yes to self-care while at the same time learning the power of the word NO is integral to your lessons at this point in your development. Being everyone’s everything is folly right now, but you knew that. Organizing– a key Saturn word, is your hidden angel towards a better life.