Putin’s War
An essay by Mike Zizis September 19, 2022
“And I’m hoping the choice won’t blow the hoist ‘Cos this town, they bit off more than they can chew.”
-Van Morrison … Saint Dominic’s Preview
Based on what research is available, V. Putin was born October 7, 1952, 9:00 am, St Petersburg.
This birth chart reveals his lack of mercy and compassion. His natal Venus, 11 degrees Scorpio demonstrates a zeal for bringing about what he most fears, self-sabotage in connexion with others.
The inner planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are up front, subjective, and personal. They build the sacred temple of — I can’t help the way I feel, I am entitled to my emotions, I am right, and the personal being the political.
Listen carefully to what comes next. If you have ANY planets that are in the same sign as his; THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU. Got it?
HIS Sun in Libra denotes an attachment to logic devoid of emotional vulnerability. It is the scales, a machine. Why don’t you know what a machine is?
This is a machine; pure mind and pure logic, which is madness. Do you see a heart in this machine? All of the other signs represent living beings, with hearts.
Astrologically, the sun is about standing out, shining, and differentiation. Placed in his 11th house of friends etc., he only wants you to like him; If you are not for me, you are against me.
His moon is in Gemini in the 8th house. 8th house is the resources of others. Moon yearns. Along with Sun his moon represents charm not warmth. Moon yearns. In Gemini he yearns for connexion. Gemini is air. Air signs approach emotions with detachment. In the tarot swords are associated with the element of air.
Mercury is in Libra in the 12th house. Like his moon in Gemini, he processes thought quickly and sounds as if he is balancing extremes. Libra is air, cardinal, and only sees external change. In the 12th house he imagines that killing off opposition solves all problems. As someone said, we can kill a person — we can’t kill an idea.
Venus is in Scorpio rising in the 1st house. I have covered this a few paragraphs ago. Venus rising indicates a love of personal luxury, and to be seen as a person to be emulated.
Lastly Mars in Sagittarius in the 2nd house enjoys big wars, conflict, and self-righteousness. Mars loves war. Sagittarius loves bigness.
What leaps off the page for this astrologer is Saturn in Aquarius transiting the bottom {IC, nadir} of his chart. This is traditionally the worst part of Saturn’s 28-year journey around the natal chart.
When Saturn joins the bottom of our chart, he is in opposition to the top — the career portion of our birth charts. He reduces energy, and not gently. When we have misused power, influence, and prestige with manipulation, he reveals severity in loss, breakage, and failure.
The highest point in his birth chart {MC, midheaven} is the sign of Leo. Leo is proud, courageous, and sometimes bombastic. Leo needs to be a centre of something. Leo shines.
Saturn also opposes his Pluto in Leo which is conjunct his MC. One aspect of Pluto is compulsion. In this case he is pushed to conclude that the means justifies the ends.
He shrugs and concludes that whoever he eliminates, it is for the greater good of imperial Russia.
Saturn opposed his Pluto reveals a grinding to dust of his need to claim that he is Russia, he is the state. Saturn is also about granularity; pulverizing seeds to make bread.
As of this writing here are the significant transits from Mars to Pluto:
As you can see at Halloween Transiting Mars will oppose his natal Mars, while Saturn opposes his Pluto and MC. This is a martial combination. More precisely, when transiting Mars opposes his natal Mars around October 30, this signature points to a time of ‘maximum illumination’.
These transits as you can see here are overwhelmingly Mars and Saturn.
FROM: https://www.thefutureminders.com/Mars-transits/mars-opposition-mars.cfm
Transit Mars Opposition Mars
You’re more than prepared for any personal battle that comes your way and if there aren’t any; you’ll likely initiate one. Your ego is actually rather fragile, and you look for any opportunity to overpower other people to prove how tough you really are; ironically, when your ego is healthy there’s no need to prove yourself. Even minor disagreements with associates can turn into all-out wars and the harder you push; the harder they’ll push back. You can waste a lot of precious energy fighting rather than working on pursuing your own goals. Your physical energy is very high but you’re also more impatient, impulsive, and volatile. You need to take special care when involved in any dangerous activities such as handling machines, tools, weapons, fire, or motor vehicles, and will be prone to more accidents and injuries if you’re not careful.
Taken together with Putin’s Saturn problems, he arouses ever stronger opposition from the left who want peace, and the right, who want a much more dangerously enlarged war.
Natal Pluto in Leo conjunct his MC emphasizes his ‘to the death’ philosophy. Putin is fond of broadcasting the time as a teenager he chased a rat up the stairs of a deserted apartment block higher and higher. Finally, the rat with nowhere to go, reared up, and turned to face him to the death.
The singular reason Putin repeats this tale is to remind everyone that at least in mythic terms he is ready to destroy the world with nuclear suicide rather than just be sad and sorry.
When Bill Clinton was president he confronted Boris Yeltsin in the twilight of Yeltsin’s days in power, regarding installing Putin in power in exchange for immunity against prosecution for him and his family.
Bill said — “You know you have put a very bad man in power.”
And so it goes.
Putin’s progressed chart:
A progressed chart tells the tale of how we have evolved or changed. Some of us reach a new stage of development, and some of us decay from within. This can be a choice.
What strikes me about this chart is his progressed balsamic moon phase, and again progressed Mars beginning to oppose his Pluto. I’ll assume for a moment that you, dear reader, know what a living and changing progressed horoscope is.
The progressed moon slowly goes around a chart to complete a 28-year cycle as it catches up to its starting point.
Putin has his progressed moon opposing his birth moon in Gemini while it is catching up to and passing his progressed sun in Sagittarius.
The key phrase for the balsamic is conclusion of an earthly cycle; the painful birth canal before the next phase of a new existence and beginning again. The progressed balsamic moon indicates that things fall apart when we refuse to diminish obligations.
The moon also signifies fortune. As of this writing Xi Jinping of China {Gemini}, and Narendra Modi {Virgo} of India are beginning to turn their backs on Putin’s deadly gamble. This social kid-glove rejection will mean more to the little czar than turning our world to nuclear cinders. The moon in his progressions reveals his suppressed shock at being abandoned by these powerful former comrades.
The Chinese are pragmatic. They don’t want their nation, now the 2nd world power to be reduced to ashes. Modi just built Bhadla, the world’s largest solar array.
This solar array will power tens of thousands of homes. Modi is also born under a mutable sign as is Xi Jinping. Mutable signs are likely to go along to get along.
These very unlikely and unpalatable heroes are going to play a large part in helping peace to break out, as time goes by. By this I mean that if they have to play their part in Putin’s demise one way or another, they are going to ensure the survival of their own fiefdoms.