Wednesday November — 23, 2022 @ 5:57 pm EST
By Mike Zizis
ATTENTION ASTROLOGERS; please rectify this chart for your location.
12 new moons a year equals 12 opportunities to begin again, forge new paths, take off them tight shoes, and renew your contract with living. Actions taken during new moon cycles — the first 14 days of a 28-day cycle — allow you to give yourself a better chance at making life, health, and love of living, and earning a living, new.
This new Moon in Sagittarius is mutable and fiery. In this case mutable means flowing, connecting, getting along to go along, and a love of a variety of things to do. Sagittarius is a fire sign. Fire burns. Sagittarius is a combination and culmination of the two previous fire signs: Aries and Leo. Sagittarius is also the burning candle Survivor of the death machinations of Scorpio. Thus, Sagittarius is the unquenchable never-ending, immortal flickering candle flame of the Spirit.
Mutable signs love variety; a great many distracting things to do, interesting new people to meet and connect with. In the 14 days of this new culminating moon cycle, it is good and timely to renew your contract with living and growing, changing, and the macroscopic view of life. Sagittarius is big picture stuff. Sagittarius is fond of pageantry like the rituals of Christmas, the bigger overview of things, as well as being the big kid with brand-new toys. Said another way Sagittarius is the introvert who sets off cannons. If you, like me, have been in that highly developed and overdeveloped state of adulthood, this is the time of being like a kid again — doing what we did again.
Sagittarius loves personal freedom. There is no better time to ask yourself: why am I doing what doesn’t work? Why am I following those who are dumber and less developed than I am? Some of us would do well to take Bob Dylan’s advice “Don’t follow leaders.”
Finally, there’s no better time to ask yourself when did you last have an adventure or an expedition? When did you have more fun than those dreary faces that surround you? Take care of your lower legs — an area ruled by Sagittarius. Good luck captain!