New Moon in Libra:

Michael Zizis
4 min readOct 12, 2023


a question of balance

By Mike Zizis

The numbers- this new Moon takes place October 14, 2023, 1:55 PM EDT Toronto.

ATTENTION ASTROLOGERS; Please relocate the time for your TimeZone.

Why bother with this new Moon stuff? During a new Moon which lasts at least 14 days there is a flow and growth of ideas and projects, everything seeming to internally and externally move with relative ease, which includes the initiation of self healing. Trying and trying to get anything done during the last three days prior to a new Moon increases the chance of failure, frustration, and experiencing the heaviness of things, even within the body. I personally don’t like situations that increase my frustration and waste my time and energy, I can’t speak for other people.

Every new Moon and the 14 days after is an opportunity to get it done with more ease, less breakage, and I’m including here your only heart. If you are just too robust to care about these qualities then you are not interested in astrology and it's gift of the best or optimum timing of events. Failure, frustration, and breakage are an option without the light that astrology brings to our journey. Nothing is guaranteed but it's always better to put the odds in our favour using the highest flashing art called astrology.

We seem to be in a collective and individual time of endings. Whether it’s Israel and its enemies, the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, or anybody else, or the end of 400 years of stable weather across the planet, or trumped up or tamped down Trump.

In the human experiment, we can choose suffering in the distortions of memory - as played out by the vicious victim. This is not the nature of nature. It is a form of the human experiment, i.e.; I only choose to remember what I feel you did to me.

When I say this is not the nature of nature I mean that each of the 12 new moons per year is the universes gift for us to wipe the slate clean and begin again. Otherwise, we are like angry photographers fixing a fleeting moment in time.

Astrologically speaking, the new moon in her ever repeating 28 day journey catches up to her lover the sun. That is the new moon. Midway in this journey 14 days later she sends out a bright beacon called the full moon. Where are you my beloved?, Oh there you are!

The new moon in Libra is quite complex. Libra is a Cardinal sign belonging to that classification called the air signs; the other two being Gemini and Aquarius. Air signs are communicators and are often not much concerned about placing the highest value on emotions. Libra’s cardinality it is about communicating external change to the world at large, rather than self transformation. Librans are rarely balanced, and they are often good at balancing others. On the other hand …

The astrological symbol for Libra is a machine called the scales. If the words astrological, machine, and scales, compel you to ask what I meant by astrological, machine, and the scales, first look at a picture of the astrological sign of Libra; if you’re still confused please text or email Vladimir Putin in care of Russia, or Benjamin Netanyahu via Isreal; they are both Libras. These two librans are using logic, a force of pure mind devoid of emotions, to punish others with their sense of order. They are not being compassionate, declaring that I love those children who died for nothing. These two are not beings leading with compassion, empathy, or kindness. A machine doesn't have it’s heart going out to anyone, because it doesn't have a heart. It has a purpose - it is a tool. Take a second look at the astrological symbols for 12 signs. 11 of them are living creatures - one of them is a machine.

No I'm not talking about you as a Libra unless you are destroying the countless lives of women and children — get over it.

In the new moon in Libra, and for the next 14 to 28 days after, we have the opportunity to balance or re-balance everything about our human experiment and journey from diet, exercise, to money, trust, and love, and the list goes on and on. When I am stuck reliving the past when you are stuck reliving the past, we are just like that person you pass on the street yelling at ghosts while being afflicted with the distortions of memory. Yes — afflicted.

The sign of Libra is ruled by Venus, goddess of beauty and balance. Libra is a social sign and this is an expression of Venus qualities.

Here in the north Libra completes or tips the balance towards the shortening or equinox of days and the rise of ordinary darkness- not the moral kind.

So this new Moon asks us not to demonize the outer darkness or our only shadow self, only to deal with it as a form of work, to make our own journey better and the lives of others better. That is better not perfect. Tip the balance - you will be doing it in your own favour. Remember this is a new page in the journey, a blank page, a tabula rasa. On it you can create the new you.

Good luck captain!



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis

40 years as a student of astrology. Born in Pittsburgh

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