An essay by Mike Zizis October 22, 2021
The West coast of Canada and the United States are burning, while the East floods.
Women are waking to power.
“Previous research shows that having female directors on a corporate board is associated with better stock performance in tough markets, higher return on equity, fewer leadership-related scandals and less-costly mergers.
Brande Stellings — vice president of corporate board services at Catalyst, which tracks women in boardrooms worldwide, and former vice president of litigation at NBC Universal — said the business case to recruit top female talent is obvious.
“More diversity,” she said, “leads to better decision-making.”
- Danielle Paquette -The Washington Post
Welcome to the new age, where anything is NOT possible. More precisely not everything is probable. We tell children ‘you can be anything you want to be’. Then the child emphatically sez I want to be a Spinosaurus with laser cat eyes.
The ongoing sextile dance of these planets indicates a growing universal understanding of spirit. I don’t mean ritual. We are beginning to grasp the overwhelming evidence for spirit; it simply means that which does not die. You will return to this planet as a woman and as a man. We rape and kill off the planet and women.
Are you getting this yet?
Look at this picture. Do you see a living forest or dead lumber?
The nature of the sextile is talent and opportunity. The astrological symbolism of the outer planets is an awakening of collective consciousness.
FIRST: the numbers -
NEPTUNE & PLUTO are sextile since the early 1940’s to 2036/ 7. They represent the unfathomable depths and mysteries of the unconscious and our collective consciousness. They will reach opposition by 2140 / 2141.
Neptune will enter Aries March 31, 2025.
• Retrogrades into Pisces on 22 October 2025
• Re-enters Aries to stay from 26 January 2026
• Dips into Taurus on 21 May 2038
• Final visit to Aries from 21 October 2038
Pluto will enter Aquarius November of 2024.
{see below for dates}
Neptune goes thru or transits each sign of the zodiac in 13 to 14 years, Pluto takes from 11 to 21 years approximately to do the same.
NEPTUNE: 164 years for one complete orbit.
PLUTO: 248 years for one complete orbit.
These planets along with Uranus and to some extant Saturn are called generational planets. Their effect is about a whole generation more than one individual. Of course the placement of all of these planets in a specific house by birth will have individual effects.
Some keywords in understanding Neptune are narcotics, dissolution, erosion, ubiquity {the price and value of things like petroleum, gold, diamonds, crypto- currencies}, destruction of boundaries, proliferation {spread of cancer, covid, etc.}, the higher self, illusions and delusions often of a generational matter, spirit — music — prayer–meditation transcendence of visible limits, signifying mystery, spiritualism, dreams, fantasy, escapism, irrationality, illusions, delusions. It also has special significance for drugs and pharmaceuticals, mass entertainment, trends in mainstream music and movies. — martial arts and on the whole — things that are not or cannot be easily measured.
in the 1861–1875 Neptune in Aries period, the US Civil War became the first war to be comprehensively documented in photographs and stereographic images, the first 3D-images that widely disseminated the horrors of war. It was also the first conflict to feature ironclad warships, submarines, and torpedoes, bringing war to a new level into Neptune’s realm of the ocean. As far as chemicals go, morphine addiction and PTSD was so common among soldiers in wars of this period that it was called the “soldier’s sickness”.
Moving panoramas became popular in this period, which placed individuals at the center of a virtual environment, a decade often referred to as the beginning of virtual reality. With the advances in virtual reality technology that currently exist, it’s not hard to imagine in the 2025–2039 Neptune in Aries period we may see developments on these themes, including virtual wars, virtual reality entertainment experiences which place individuals at the center of their own narratives within branded franchise universes.
During the 1861–1875 Neptune in Aries period Lincoln dissolved the formal notions of slavery in United States — while Darwin disestablished the Christian idea of a 6000 year old earth.
We must not underestimate the shadow side of this placement. The genocide of all the new world native peoples was amplified as Neptune journeyed through the martial sign of Aries. Bullets and weapons generally are ruled by the planet Mars, while smallpox, diphtheria and other diseases used on native peoples are ruled by Neptune.
“Go West young ‘man’.”
- a phrase coined by Horatio Elger was the mantra the last time Neptune entered Aries. Now on the cusp of Neptune’s return to Aries, it’s the reverse en masse. As wildfires and drought ravage California and her Northern State neighbors, people are fleeing for the East.
As I have written previously Neptune in Aries points to a generation of pioneers and explorers. The first child born on Mars and the moon will be birthed with Neptune transiting Aries.
The collective dream and nightmare are married to warfare when Neptune enters Aries. Here is a brief list of war breaking out during this transit:
432–419 BCE The Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta began in 431 BCE
60–73 CE at the same time as Pluto in Aquarius when Boudicca and her Iceni tribe revolted against the Romans in Britain. Over in Rome, Christianity was spreading fast, despite persecution, and even after Nero accused them of starting the Great Fire of Rome in 64 CE. There was more chaos and civil war in 68 after Nero committed suicide and they had four emperors in one year. In Palestine there was a Jewish uprising against the Romans in 66, and Josephus wrote his history of the Jewish War which became a major source on Jesus.
388–401 by which time Christianity had become the official imperial religion of the Roman Empire in 391 and Theodosius prohibited all other pagan cults and worship. This led to the destruction of the Sarapeum, a temple in Alexandria dedicated to Serapis. In 397–400, St Augustine wrote his Confessions about his conversion to Christianity.
879–892 during the reign of Alfred the Great, king of Wessex in ancient Britain, who was having a spot of bother with the Danes. In 886 he recaptured London and signed a treaty with Guthrum formalising the kingdoms where the Danelaw would operate. Alfred rebuilt the city and introduced reforms to encourage education and learning and created a small fleet of ships to fight naval battles against the pesky Vikings.
1206–1219 Neptune was in Aries at the start of the shift into the last Jupiter Saturn air cycle — similar to now. The Christian Crusades were in full swing, having started when Pluto was in Aries (of course!), and in 1206, Genghis Khan began his conquest of Eurasia. This period also saw the founding of various monastic orders, such as the Franciscans in 1209 and the Dominicans in 1216.
1370–1383 during the Hundred Years War between England and France which started in 1337 when Pluto was in Aries. It ran through the whole of this period and ended in 1453 when Neptune was in Libra. The Catholic Church split in 1378 and there were two rival popes until 1417. The Church also came under attack from 1377 by John Wycliffe, an English theologian who criticized abuses and orthodox doctrine, foreshadowing Protestantism. He completed the first translation of the Bible into English in 1382.
Over in England, there was a Peasant’s Revolt in 1381, seeking reform and rights and an end to serfdom. Meanwhile, at some time during the 1370s, the story of Robin Hood began to circulate — a tale of a classic Aries character.
1534–1547 Neptune was in Aries along with Pluto in Aquarius and just after Uranus in Gemini. This was the period that saw Henry VIII break from Rome and declare himself supreme head of the Church of England in 1534. This led to the dissolution of the monasteries in 1536 and the destruction of religious relics and churches, and endless fighting between Catholics and Protestants.
Martin Luther, who started the Reformation in 1517 under Neptune in Aquarius, completed his translation of the Bible into German in 1534, and died in 1546 at the end of this period. Meanwhile, Pope Paul III established the Roman Inquisition to flush out Protestants and began a Counter-Reformation at the Council of Trent in 1545.
In the 1540s Valerius Cordus, a German physician and botanist, wrote Dispensatorium, the first pharmacopeia covering medicinal plants and minerals and how to make drugs, published in 1546. He’s also credited with discovering ether in 1540, which was used in pain relief for surgery — and for getting as high as a kite!
1697–1711, with a slight overlap with Uranus in Gemini at the start. This period saw lots of fighting and rebellions in Europe over various things, as per usual, including the War of Spanish Succession in which England took Gibraltar in 1704 to establish a naval base against Spain. However, England was getting tired of fighting the Scots, and in 1707 the Act of Union formed a new entity called Great Britain, unifying England and Scotland. In 1708, Jeremy Collier published his Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain and upset the Protestants.
1861–1874/5 long with Uranus in Gemini, when the US Civil War divided the nation into north and south, fighting over state powers and the abolition of slavery.
China is weaponizing space. As empires decline, they resort to war. Before then, as Neptune wraps up its journey thru Pisces, China is going into convulsions as its condo / high rise corporations teeter towards bankruptcy.
The United States will experience more long-term erosion in its coastal cities. Insurance empires will dwindle or collapse as they try to keep up with fire and flood damage to vast areas and populations or refuse to do so. Insurance will be made a governmental department.
PLUTO enters Aquarius — 2023 to 2044
- Enters Aquarius on 23 March 2023
• Retrogrades into Capricorn on 11 June 2023
• Re-enters Aquarius on 21 January 2024
• Final visit to Capricorn from 1 September 2024
• Enters Aquarius to stay from 19 November 2024
• Dips into Pisces on 9 March 2043
• Final visit to Aquarius on 31 August 2043
• Enters Pisces to stay on 19 January 2044
Aquarius is generally thought of as the spread of empowerment, freedom and the demos; the people. Leo it’s complement is about kingship, centralization of power, and courage.
Pluto is slow and inexorable and relentless. Think of all the warning signs the West ignored before Hitler invaded Poland, and then Russia.
As of this writing Pluto is in 24 degrees of Capricorn in its slow grind towards the sign of Aquarius. Capricorn can indicate uniformity and structure including the building of prisons {Batista, Mao, Nixon, Goering, Kim Jung-Un}. Aquarius is often the -get-out-of-prison card.
Consider the evolution {a key Pluto word} of software companies and governments collecting infinite amounts of spying/consumer data. Pluto in Aquarius is the beginning of the end of this destruction of privacy. Vaccines, a mass-produced product to invisibly empower our immune systems was introduced by Edward Jenner during the last transit of Pluto in Aquarius (1778 to 1798).
Plutonian themes are death/rebirth, slow decay, volcanism, regeneration, transformation, manufacturing, compulsions and obsessions, invisible power, control, influence, dominance, and mastery.
Welcome to the World-wide Aquarian era which began in 2020 when Jupiter conjuncted Saturn in Aquarius. During the years when Pluto stumbled thru Capricorn {“I use”} we were and still are seeing the rise of the demagogue and dictator; Balsanero, Trump, Putin, Orban, etc.
As was stated in Star Trek’s Prime directives; The good of the many outweighs the good of the few.
Themes of manufacturing and technology are symbolized by Pluto. More useful robots and manufacturing become predominant. This contributes to more unemployment. Unemployment begets a universal annual income. This does not happen gently. It does happen.
Nuclear fusion as a form of energy becomes a reality, as do thorium based electric power plants, much safer. Education gradually replaces opinion about women’s rights, pandemics, and finances.
Many revolutions take place historically when Pluto is in Aquarius from Constantine’s embrace of the Roman State’s Christianity to the American and French revolutions:
The decline of money, and work is underway as the two astrological titans signify the Neptunian erosion of centralized standards in the case of money, and the liberation from work drudgery in the Plutonian case of robots and software.
Our angry Sun will emit a few CME’s that will fry the last vestiges of what we once understood as money or … currency. The odds are a 50% chance of tiny earth being hit by a solar storm by 2040.
CME: Coronal Mass Ejection
You will have to look elsewhere for the end-of-the-world and robot overlord fictions beyond this essay. Collectively we are the old believers. We just replace a mythos about Marduk, Inanna, Zeus, Hera, Poseidon etc. with dead silicon, oh, and aliens. Let’s not forget the alien overlords. Conjecture and hypothesis are regal words for … guessing.
Do I think ’things’ will change for the better during these transits? We are the ’new’ true believers worshipping dead silicon while stepping over bodies and feeling nothing or powerless to stop the planetary extinctions of the Anthropocene, right now.
When we change ’things’ change. Whether we recognize our immense power and lack of wisdom or the fact of our species originating in Mother Africa; We Are All African — the answer is always the same, full bellies and education. Does enslaving women make sense? You will reincarnate as a woman.
Of course, we are in that exciting time of ATOPIA, as opposed to dystopia and utopia. Civilization and societies are globally decaying and rebirthing all at the same time.
The following was written by Adreinne Rich, Audre Lorde, and Alice Walker;
The statement I am going to read was prepared by three of the women nominated for the National Book Award for poetry, with the agreement that it would be read by whichever of us, if any, was chosen. We, Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich, and Alice Walker, together accept this award in the name of all the women whose voices have gone and still go unheard in a patriarchal world, and in the name of those who, like us, have been tolerated as token women in this culture, often at great cost and in great pain. We believe that we can enrich ourselves more in supporting and giving to each other than by competing against each other; and that poetry — if it is poetry — exists in a realm beyond ranking and comparison.
We symbolically join together here in refusing the terms of patriarchal competition and declaring that we will share this prize among us, to be used as best we can for women. We appreciate the good faith of the judges for this award, but none of us could accept this money for herself, nor could she let go unquestioned the terms on which poets are given or denied honor and livelihood in this world, especially when they are women. We dedicate this occasion to the struggle for self-determination of all women, of every color, identification, or derived class: the poet, the housewife, the lesbian, the mathematician, the mother, the dishwasher, the pregnant teen-ager, the teacher, the grandmother, the prostitute, the philosopher, the waitress, the women who will understand what we are doing here and those who will not understand yet; the silent women whose voices have been denied us, the articulate women who have given us strength to do our work.