Mars Retrograde 2022

Michael Zizis
10 min readOct 24, 2022

By Mike Zizis October 24, 2022

“For five months

My roof has been leaking.

I fixed it today

By moving
A single board.”
— Gary Snyder

PROMINENT DATES: October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023.

Mars enters pre-retrograde shadow on September 3, 2022, at 8°8′ degrees of Gemini.

Mars goes retrograde on Oct 30, 2022, — 25°37′ degrees of Gemini.

Mars turns direct on Jan 12, 2023,- 8°8′ degrees of Gemini.

The post-retrograde period lasts until March 15, 2023, at 25°37′ degrees of Gemini.

There are on our journey such things as perfect examples. That’s me. I am a perfect example of an imperfect human being. I make mistakes. Usually these ‘learning curves’ are to do with other peoples feelings and boundaries. I forget that we are all fragile. I forget that I will be given one chance to be kind and courageous and thoughtful or else white will magically be turned to black in the hearts of others. There was a time when I, magically, turned everything into a problem. I have vanquished those demons, by realizing that they will never leave.

We are advised not to undertake any new tasks during these periods, because we are likely to suffer from certain blockages. Mars goes retrograde every two years for a duration of 80 days. The red planet is a symbol of will and physical strength. It indicates difficulties in containing or channeling one’s energy when it goes retrograde. Each of the zodiac signs may therefore tend to go in the wrong direction or to advance more slowly.

I was born with five planets retrograde in my birth chart; Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Now I wear my scars like scarlight. I was raised carefully and quite unconsciously by my mother and father to despise women, be substance addicted, take shortcuts, and assume I will be viciously betrayed by others.

I will spare you the details, for now. You can thank me later. I will share this wee insight with you; some of us are shocked when things go well. And, I know now that it takes too much energy to ensure that things go wrong.

Astrology gives me a name for my burdens and my joy. That is why you are here, now. Mars — planet of killing people and breaking things is about to turn [into apparent] retrograde.

• What to avoid doing when Mars is retrograde: Undertaking new activities

• What to do during this phase: Deep thinking and intensive questioning

• Address how we are choosing to spend our energy

• Manage our energy levels

• Assess the motivation behind our actions

• Make peace with our masculine side/qualities

• Review our passions and goals

• Rewire our ego brain

• Pay attention to our sexual health

In astrology Mars symbolizes your inner energizer bunny, war, ego energy, strife, competition, aggression, as well as killing people and breaking things.

Whenever a personal planet goes retrograde this means that normal ‘actions’ depicted by the planet do not flow forward as per the usual descriptions. The energy symbolized by the planet seems to back up, go sideways, upside down, inside out, not straightforward, and not exactly easy to read. The personal planets are Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Astrologers use the word planet to also describe the sun and the moon. These are never retrograde and we know that they are not planets, and they also represent the personal. The sun symbolizes personal vitality, and the moon symbolizes your yearning, urges, desires, and emotions in general, so we include them among the personal planets.


We are now and until the end of January in eclipse season. The partial solar eclipse of October 25 occurs mainly over Russia, India and parts of China. Eclipses are said to release vast amounts of energy in a hurry or suddenly. They can be likened to explosions. A personal basis solar eclipse won’t mean anything to you unless it occurs more or less on the exact degree of some planet or angle in your horoscope. This is not to say that you won’t be affected by it — other people around you can be and will be and they do affect you, whether boss, relative, or lover.

So here we are with Mars going retrograde and an eclipse happening simultaneously over Russia. Please contemplate how Vladimir Putin is polarizing Russia while simultaneously uniting the free world against him. The Russian population wants bread on the table and peaceful surroundings and to send their kids to school. One man wants this war with Ukraine. He yearns to be liked by his increasingly and diminishing circle of friends and to be encouraged by the most fanatic factions of the corrupt people closest to him.

Please see my previous work on Vladimir Putin if you want to know more about his love for war and destruction. Mars retrograde denotes that a first strike in violence or destruction will lose a fight. Mars retrograde in Gemini points to more verbal threats, more miscommunication between the soldiers in the field and the higher-ups and their bosses resulting in more death more loss more failure. The skies just now reveal a last square between Saturn and Uranus. This combination of planets will not occur for many decades in the future.

Uranus symbolizes revolution, smashing the old ways, sudden reversals, making it new, and the Promethean instincts of democracy. Saturn symbolizes the status quo, the old guard remaining in power whatever the cost, the will to keep things as they are, resistance to change until breakage, and those in power losing power as well as corruption and nepotism in continuation.

In astrology we talk about the square between the two planets as a Mars like signature. Thus, we see the vision of a progressive new future pitted towards the will to power regardless of the cost.

Eclipses can represent new sudden dramatic change for as long as 18 months after they occur. Mars retrograde in the language of astrology implies that first strike and aggression will be turned in upon itself. Try not overthinking this concept. One man wanted and started this war, and he will pay a price, even a very high one, for destroying Ukraine’s March towards democracy. He has only disregard for destroying innocent lives in the quest for power, control and feeding the machine of corruption.

In this next portions of our discussion we turn from the universal to the personal:
Mars retrograde in the houses

The following insights can be applied to your sun sign — or even better your rising sign if you know it.

Aries rising

Mars retrograde in Gemini in your third house points to disturbances and irritation occurring with close kin, local activities, and accidents happening close to home base lets say within 90 miles of home. Well, it may be impossible to keep things from going sideways here; it is possible always to minimize damage. Caution and keeping doors locked and proving that you are smart by being quiet about it is favored here. A relative may need help during a setback.

Taurus rising

Mars retrograde announces his presence in your second house of material goods, talents, and gifts, and what you value. Again, I’m going to stress be careful with the use of language. Instigating jealousy, and initiating arguments and disputes over who does what, and who owns what will probably work against you. Please be cautious with over working your upper body and take care as to breathing clean air or igniting allergies that interfere with lung capacity and asthmatic conditions. Expensive luxury can ruin your budget.

Gemini rising

Here you are cautioned to ease off on competitive excellence and over striving to prove that you are better smarter and more gifted than anybody else. Please refrain from walking down dark alleys or visiting places of violence at night. People seem just irritating to you as some of them put too much meaning in your words while others disregard anything you might say to the point your own frustration. Others may be careless and the way they talk to you and about you. It will pass better if you’re practicing detachment with gossip and possibly slander.

Cancer rising

Mars retrograde here occurs in your 12th house, symbolizing the enemy within. Is going to be difficult to discern who the bad guy is while Mars is retrograde. Cease and desist from writing that book of yours called NINE WAYS TO START A FIGHT. Try to rest more frequently for short periods while refraining about arguing about it with yourself. Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things. Instead of constant inner irritation, you might increase your intake of vitamin B complex, magnesium, and water. Wearing yourself out with indecisions is likely. Wait and then wait some more until Mars goes direct.

Leo rising

This placement involves themes of your 11th House. Try to be aware of Plan B. things are not straightforward or on track with friends, income from career, and your aspirations. More meditation and less confrontation Will certainly help towards general tranquility. Everything is slowed down. If you’re drawn into disputes in these areas refrain from making a first strike out of loss and irritation. What is lost here will be restored through time. Setbacks in your dreams come from external sources and the universe is telling you not to take them personally.

Virgo rising

Mars retrogrades in your 10th house of career productivity and public standing. Travel for career turns out to be less rewarding than usual. Dictating terms now works against your best interests. Listen and be helpful. The question that might be useful right now about setbacks and career is whether retreat is defeat. Please remember that pain is temporary in these areas in the requirements of wisdom dictates that moving on and letting go can bring a very positive change.

Libra rising

9th house themes are in motion here; feelings of victimization, no one listening, yours or others passive aggression. Travel to distant places, may be followed by bad weather, lost luggage, martial laws breaking out, as well as passenger tantrums from others, may be all too common. Travel with or to close relatives may require your calm acceptance or dealing with the matter at hand versus the principle of the thing are in play. If you must let go of a lawyer or agreement, then do it patiently and firmly. Think large.

Scorpio rising

Mars Rx in Gemini occurs in your 8th house. Rewriting your script in matters of intimacy and trust are crucial here. Intimacy can take many paths including forgiveness, relinquishing the illusions of power over others, or being overpowered by another are in play. Being severe destroys your freedoms during this period even if goaded. Try justice as opposed to punishment thru out this Mars Rx. Keep in mind the Buddhist saying — even if you intend to insult me doesn’t mean I am insulted. Ask for help without fear.

Sagittarius rising

Vivid encounters are very likely just now. 7th house issues gain your attention. One on one partnerships in business and love can seem aggravating or unfulfilling. Others will push your buttons just now or seem to. A worthwhile meditation is why do I have this button? Your friend may not know that you are practicing the ‘one strike and you are out’ theory of trust. Is disagreement a friendship killer? Weigh this matter set against the canvas of the golden rule, to treat others as you would have them treat you. Letting others ‘be in school’ at their own rate of learning is a good way of stopping the feeling of always being let down.

Capricorn rising

Mars rules cuts abrasions inflammation and surgery. Elective surgery is probably going to be more unfortunate than remedial just now. A good night’s sleep may be illusive now. Try mild sedatives like antihistamines, or tranquility teas. You are prone to be careless with sharp objects just now. Put your minds in bodily awareness during this period. Learn to physically speak up and out just now, without yelling. Test esophagus, stomach, and skin for allergic reactions. It may be a time to change diet or soaps. You do have time to take care of yourself if you make time to just do it. Pace yourself with athletics, and not to the point of exhaustion.

Aquarius rising

This is not as severe a placement as some of the other houses. Competition with your own self is advisable during this Mars retrograde. Competing with others to be top dog may result in more friction and war and far less enjoyment. Take time to notice whether your running shoes need replacements older hockey equipment needs to be renewed repaired or replaced. If you were engaged in courtship of the romantic kind, don’t take any assumed rejection personally. If you’re falling behind on your exercises just do it, but don’t overdo it. Giving other people credit for what was accomplished works to your benefit in major ways just now. Claiming credit for all that you do is probably going to be quite disappointing.

Pisces rising

This Mars retrograde takes place in your 4th house of home, safety, and your secret/private self or identity. If repairs are needed get to them with discretion and good common sense as to who will fix what. If you are dealing when someone’s aggressive immaturity in regard to your privacy, peace of mind, any good boundaries, take only the practical and necessary steps to restore balance. If you are intruding in the privacy of others and their boundaries during this time expect the results to be expensive, humiliating and difficult. Whenever you rest now allow only rest.


“Mars Retrograde in Gemini Effects

This retrograde will be most intense for the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces (especially Gemini). This should be a time of change — but the retrograde will expose phobias that will make these signs slow down and not take action.

This retrograde will be most beneficial for the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It’ll give them a chance to reevaluate their financial plans and goals.

This retrograde will be the easiest for the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. It’s their chance to heal and work through personal issues.”



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis

40 years as a student of astrology. Born in Pittsburgh

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