Jupiter enters Taurus

Michael Zizis
8 min readMay 25, 2023


an essay by Mike Zizis

May 16, 2023

Astronomically, Jupiter has a circular orbit around the sun — tho not perfect. The humongous gas balloon generally takes 12 years to go once around the sun. This means that it spends about a year in each sign of the zodiac.

Jupiter is entering Taurus on May 16, where it’ll stay until May 24, 2024.

Astro — logically Jupiter is associated with optimism, protection, big gains based on big calculated risk, Philosophy, legal outcomes, justice, and expansion. Sometimes Jupiter pertains to him writing checks he can’t cash, blindness to consequences, and excesses of every kind.

Taurus, a Venus ruled sign, symbolizes the blossoming Earth, beauty of every kind, springtime in the Northern hemisphere, autumn South of the equator, financial growth, indulgence and enjoyment of the five senses, and especially stuff. To put it succinctly, Taurus rules the five senses, nature, food, and money.

The associations of Jupiter in Taurus reveals the rising price of gold, and precious metals over all. In the main this will be a time of bumper crops for many grains and fruits, including grapes etc. Jupiter and Taurus generally incline people to be optimistic about the stock market. High inflation may be persistent and, well… inflating. Spas and luxury retreats, glam slam places like Hollywood and Monte Carlo will all benefit.

Jupiter spent a year previously in Taurus during 2011 and 1999. If you wish spiritual and emotional and practical benefits from Jupiter in his present dance in Taurus, look back over these previous cycles. That will tell you where you are likely to get the big bounce, from this present Jupiter sojourn. In fact there is a possibility that you will get more out of the Jupiter cycle, because you have more awareness. Let’s hear it for the songs of experience, age, and wisdom!

One of the lesser-known aspects the merry month of May and the Sign of Taurus is revolution. By this, I mean the revolution of Spring overthrowing Winter. Since Taurus is a fixed earthy sign, eruptions and volcanoes are a component of the cycle and the sign. Seeds also erupt out of the earth. Some people seem to believe that every change is a change for the worse.

Jupiter and Taurus transiting the 12 rising or sun signs


Jupiter here, is sarabanding through your 2nd house. Yes, it’s okay to expect an increase in incoming money as well as a taste for luxury goods and the best of everything. Generally speaking, this is the time of abundance most especially an abundance of all the things that you do well. The second house is associated with special gifts that you bring to our planet. Acquisition of debt here is possible. Good debt, such as careful investing is likely to pay off; bad debt, like I just wanted the Maserati or gold plated toilet — maybe not so much.


Jupiter, in this 1st house transit, is highlighting your personal glamour, enthusiasm, and optimism, and a somewhat justified feeling that everything will turn out well. If you gain a few pounds — a strong possibility with Jupiter and the first house — don’t panic. However with food, and if you just can’t get enough of that sugar crisp, expect rather intractable weight problems and weight gain. It is truly a lovely time for you to go public with what you have to offer especially through various media channels. It’s quite easy just now to aquire more friends and even turn some enemies into friends. Remember that smile of yours brings in the sunlight.


Jupiter transits your 12th house just now. This is a time of all the subtle yet powerful themes supporting you from many subtle sources. Hospitals and spiritual retreats as well as psychotherapy and in-depth analysis are positively transformative just now. If you wish to support charities of any kind you probably won’t suffer when you give time or money. You may expect some people work behind the scenes for your benefit. Above all this is a time when enemies have little or no power over you, and your optimism is justified especially when it comes to risking creativity and forgiving the past and those involved in it.


This is an 11th House transit of Jupiter for a year. If you are a group person, if you wish to join the group, the benefits will certainly outweigh any difficulties in time or money spent. Anything from gardening clubs to replanting trees and even entire forests — i.e. putting yourself out there for greater and impersonal causes can manifest joy and connection. If your energies are more introverted and you enjoy time by yourself, you will be drawn to impersonal reparation of the earth, movements and charities of restoration. The 11th House is also associated with income from career. Reaching out to express and improve your career issues should be quite rewarding over the span of this year.


Jupiter and Taurus themes here center around 10th House issues, such as enjoying time with parents, becoming a parent, and being parental with those in your career sector. This is a fortunate time for that. It’s also fortunate for career issues and growth or advancement. For now your voice is one of authority, and you can choose to use it beneficially because your words carry weight and momentum. Your public standing just now is liable to benefit primarily from decisions and secondarily from actions that you take to further your place in the world. If you feel you must change careers or companies or institutions, the results might be better than you imagined.


For all of this year, by whole sign transit, Jupiter beams brightly through your 9th house. Travel for any reason, especially for educational purposes or to broaden your perspective is highly beneficial during this period. Generally speaking legal matters tend to be satisfactory by outcome or highly beneficial. If you want to go to any distant destination, don’t hesitate, the enjoyment and discovery outweighs fear of travel. Undertaking new studies just now such as the evolutionary Organization of the Byzantine army, parasites of horses intestines, the translation of Linear A, the Moromachi period of Japanese lacquerware, or of Gregorian chants are highly enjoyable during this period.


This is an 8th house transit of Jupiter. The 8th house as well as the 12th and the 4th, are mystery houses because of their enigmatic depth and complexity. Expect fortunate outcomes in wills legacies and inheritances. You may also look forward to a revival of vitality, and quick recovery from physical and even financial setbacks. Generally speaking your health is optimal during this time. You may be of great comfort to those who are easing out of their passage through this world. A splendid revival of your five senses is also probable. Generally speaking those in power and authority figures are helpful if you ask. If you have a tendency toward sugar-related illnesses, there is no better time to cut back to zero.


During this 7th house transit of Jupiter you are well advised to put away your own Sharp horns, if that’s the way you’ve been greeting the world. People are helpful, warm and trusting during this cycle, especially on a one-to-one basis. If your attitude has been: people need me, I don’t need them — then you may not get a big bounce that would come from opening up to those who have proven themselves to you. Alternately because this is a house of partnership and open enemies, it is unlikely that anyone just now is working to or will succeed at making you worse. Big banks and Financial institutions are, in general, are quite cooperative with your needs. If you’re single, an intelligent approach to dating could bring immense satisfaction in finding the one.


In this coming year, any effort you make in your workspace, returns rewards tenfold. This is quite a good time for you to enjoy 6th House themes such as — rewarding employment, improving work conditions, and discovering grateful clients. Those who are uncooperative in getting your work done are likely to recede into the background. This whole year your health is likely to be stable or on the mend. While work at home requires you to have a more controlled environment, this is unlikely to put those close to you off, in the long run. If you feel you need better, more effective, and more stable equipment from vehicles to almost anything else, you are correct. The improvements will greatly benefit some portion of getting stuff done.


Being an Earth sign yourself, this means that Jupiter and Taurus occupy your 5th house of entertainment, sports, creativity, competition, and your life with kids. Courtship and recreation are themes of the fifth house, so probably you would enjoy a getaway cabin in the woods, or a quiet remote island, or a luxury hotel. These retreats rescue you from the jarring unfinished and congested world that may be too much with you. You will probably benefit from investing in stable companies with stable products such as grains and gold. If you have children or are thinking of making them, the outcomes here are quite pleasant in the long run. If your aspirations are towards the artistic and creative, don’t hesitate to move in that direction for mostly delightful results.


Jupiter Transiting in Taurus occupies your 4th House, of home, your psychological bases for being, the ancestors living or dead, your secret self, and a conclusion of any and all events in your world. You’re likely to express buoyancy and optimism in your outlook, which in turn assists in creating those same outcomes. You’re easy to be around right now. Bigger spaces at home and renovation generally speaking are quite favorable, when you understand budgeting costs as well as possessing a responsible attitude towards investment and debt. Cramped, cluttered, and old worn out spaces call your name for purposes of renovation. While you’re at it, the ways you have held onto limited thinking need renovation also. Look into all the things you feared in the past decades that never materialized.


This is a 3rd house transit of Jupiter in Taurus for a year. Your everyday environments, immediate regular comings and goings in your neighborhood are likely to bring you more satisfaction. This is especially true if you’re leading a charge for some improvement to your locality. If you are moving or thinking of moving, any short distance let’s say 90+ miles are quite beneficial. Your life with close kin, is liable to settle down now or be less challenging than previous years. Children will be more enjoyable for you, as well as renewing a contract with guardianship, and protecting the vulnerable. You’re writing skills especially through classes will go through tremendous improvement. Exercise close to home is highly beneficial for this entire year. Any disagreements with neighbors can be quickly resolved in your favor with a calm and just attitude towards your needs and theirs.



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis

40 years as a student of astrology. Born in Pittsburgh

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