Full Moon in Aquarius August 11, 2022

Michael Zizis
2 min readAug 10, 2022


This full moon in Aquarius takes place August 11, 2022 at 19 degrees Aquarius EDT.

There are 12 new moons every year and 12 full moons. Astrologers advise during new moons to begin again, start new enterprises, discard old destructive ways, forgive, and make it new.

Full moons, occurring 14 days after the new moon are a culmination, a climax. You lost your temper, or punished with silence near the new moon. Now in this second half of the 28 day cycle, ‘out of the blue’ you are being yelled at or ignored. We send out messages of kindness, self care, or neglect during the neonatal {first 14 days} possibilities of the new moon and that action visits us during the {second 14 days} full moon cycle.

Am I implying the vacuous fantasies of “being spiritual’? If the golden rule is spiritual, I mean treating others like you would be treated, then yes. However personal and social justice can never be made reality by retreating from this world. Full moons symbolize break thru or break down, if we are not grounded in the new moon cycle. Maximum illumination, a phrase that describes full moons sheds a brilliant light on our efforts that succeed. Or if we fail in the new job search, quitting a bad habit, kicking an addiction, we can use the next lunar cycle to utilize better efforts.

The distillation of Leo is courage. The essence of Aquarius is the conscious and humane application of knowledge. This is the ultimate self {Leo}and other {Aquarius} cycle. Because you have all 12 signs in your birth horoscope these placements are always you. If you are learning only pain or suffering then you are not learning.



Michael Zizis
Michael Zizis

Written by Michael Zizis

40 years as a student of astrology. Born in Pittsburgh

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