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Here are the numbers: new moon in 5 degrees Leo July 28, 2022 1:55 pm EDT.
This is one of twelve new moons of the year. In the first 14 days of the waxing new moon, we are given the opportunity to begin again. Whether you are rebuilding your health, looking for a new mate, job, city, a new pet, stopping beating your husband, or anything that is a renewal, new moons are the best to grow the seeds of abundance.
This Leo phase is a journey of heart, and one of courage. The English language speaks of a change of mind, French addresses a change of heart. This new moon favours the {green chakra} centre of the chest.
I love work. I love work — the way I love that feeling of approaching a city by car as it seems to enlarge after hours of driving thru flat seemingly unending plains. It’s all work. In a very true, if somewhat simplified sense, our natal charts are our work sheets. Birth horoscopes are not prisons, we are not nailed to a cross of the four directions, and we are not meat puppets.
“I need the mercy of my own attention.” — Leonard Cohen
This quote is the essence of the new moon in Leo. Power, in an example of Trump and Putin, is a narcotic that takes us further from caring for our own wounds.
Symbolically there is a lion here facing west. The days are imperceptibly getting shorter in the northern hemisphere. This animal faces the increasing darkness from the heart, the heart of courage. In the southern hemisphere the roar of the eastern facing lion announces the increase of the light, along with the possibility of droughts and fires. In every case; courage — my love.