Are horoscopes real and based on what?
OCTOBER 12, 2021
Astrology has a basis in farming about 9 or 10 thousand years ago. Astrology has its basis also in {the observation and recording in cave walls like Lascaux} the return of herd animals with horns more than 20 thousand years ago. Thus the first two signs of Spring, Aries and Taurus are animals with horns.
These people YOUR DIRECT ANCESTORS noticed the moon went from dark to full every 28 days. That is the beginning{s} of astrology.
Female mammals have menstrual cycles. Oceans have great spawnings tied to the moon. You are living in an artificial environment that destroys the beauty of night, and it’s starry messengers. These are also symbols that we call planets. These have cycles around the sun from fast Mercury to slow Pluto. These cycles reveal how human nature DOES NOT CHANGE it repeats and repeats; those stone age and early farming peoples were just as brilliant as we are. We have better tools from violins to napalm.
We venerate a cross or a six pointed star while screaming that we don’t know what a symbol or an image is. We watch ourselves and masses of people make the same profoundly stupid mistakes then claim there is no repetition.
We are blinded by our weapons. What are our weapons? The WWW is one, that encourages ignorance of re-occurring epidemics of viruses and bacteria. No one remembers the Spanish flu world wide epidemic of 1918. But we are armed with opinion about big PERFECT enemy of mankind turning your children into zombies. Yes, this means YOU must reject history and brutally kill the bad guys. Remember they have superb and perfect weapons. Blame is human nature; for example, “The Chinese are responsible ….”
I don’t know when you think history begins. So I won’t debate opinion. If YOU WANT an answer to your question, which I assume is not just idle curiousity — then look up my name in QUORA and read the detailed ways I and others have revealed the validity of astrology.
Do your own horoscope. If you are afraid to do that, then say so.
A horoscope {FROM GREEK horos- copos: “hour — pointer”} is a blue print of how a person, or anything with a birth, evolves thru in its journey. Yes I said evolves. Neonatal to mastery and death. For instance; you are an adult and tying your shoe is no challenge whatsoever, yet there was a time in YOUR life when it was a very big deal indeed.
There ARE NO STRANGE EMANATIONS from the planets; Mars is a symbol of war and the killer. Venus is a symbol of beauty and love. You are surrounded by symbols. We refuse to look up at the night sky, yet drown in the intoxication of symbols on our phones.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING as belief in astrology, belief is for religious folk you know wealthy male preachers — men of god. A young journalist was interviewing Carl Jung who was in his 80s a while ago. He asked “Do you really believe in reincarnation?” Jung’s reply was “I don’t believe young man- I know.”
A fact is a fact. Take the fact of the English language. No one believes or doesn’t believe in English. English and astrology are a language. The Fukushima nuclear reactor blew up March 11, 2011. On that same day the planet Uranus symbolizing explosions, reversals, and unexpected events, entered the martial sign of Aries; fiery, short tempered, and explosive.
When Neptune planet of proliferation hard to diagnose problems like viruses and cancer went into the 19th degree of Pisces within a week the Corona virus broke out in China and quickly spread to Europe and Americas. Pisces is all waters like the ocean the 19th degree is the degree out of 30 total of each sign — when a planet expresses itself most actively, vibrantly, and potently.
Of course I’m not going to waste my time pointing out 10,000 other examples to some dull, soulless, cruel, blunt, and sadistic individuals who still hear the word belief. They are the not so modern inquisition and seem to want to burn astrologers at the stake for not being in lockstep belief in their form of science even though science is a tool and not Scripture.
Anecdote? All science begins in anecdote.
Science’s core is quantity. Astrology’s core is quality.
Finally astrology is also a roadmap. Roadmaps are generally not a matter of belief. Ask the roadmap publishers or throw away your phone if you think roadmaps are a matter of belief. Astrology is also a roadmap. Look up the 27 club on Google. I’ll wait. In astrology that’s called the Saturn return — the time it takes Saturn to return to the place it started your horoscope. It takes 27 to 29 years for Saturn to complete one orbit one circle around the sun. Astrology says that people generally speaking will have a major or even a crisis at 14 / 27 years old and again 56 / 57 years old. That is a map of the human journey it is not belief. Belief and dogma are the weapon of the dull and lazy mind. That’s not you — is it?